
Emotional Intelligence In Practice ®

Emotinal Quotient is a strong predictor of life success, happiness, career advancement, exceptional achievements, low stress levels, healthy relationships, and problems solving skills.

Emotinoal Intelligence CAN BE DEVELOPED, the more we develop our EI, the more our live changes remarkably.  However, the process of change needs smart understanding of the steps and techniques to successfully and smoothly make the change.

We Are Different

Your Unique Experience 

In Practice®

A project supported by personalized coaching of experts.


Time, financial, and methods to make it light on your routine.


IACET is the most reliable and trusted accreditation globally.

Digital Journey

Digitalized Journey with personal care and quality assurance.

EI In Practice


Happy Body
Habits Change
Emotional Awareness
Healthy Attitude
Positive self-regards
Authentic Self
Efficient Worry
Social Intelligence

We Are Different

In Practice Methodolegy

In Practice ®

  • You Choose a Project idea From Your Field of work or your Company.
  • Attend workshops.
  • Work on your project through the period of the program.
  • Expert coaches supervise your project work One-on-One Until You Complete it Successfully.
  • Complete your project and present it.

One-on-One Coaching

Through Change Zone’s one-on-one systematic coaching process. An expert coach will guide you through customizing the process, methods, and content to your specific needs.


International Accreditation

Change Zone is an Authorized Provider by the International Association of Continuous Education and Training (IACET).

You will be granted Continuous Education Units (CEUs) upon submitting Project Work and Assessment in Change Zone.

Change Zone’s CEUs are recognized by more than 500 universities & institutions around the world.

Delighted Companions


Eman Abu Sitta

 Procurement Officer- Jerash Pharma

اشتركت بالبرنامج دون معرفتي بماهيته و حقيقته , كانت نيتي اضافة علم جديد أو اكتساب مهارات مختلفة و لكن بمجرد حضوري اكثر من محاضرة تفتح امامي عالم جديد و بدأت اكتشاف نفس من جديد و كأني ولدت مرة أخرى. كل تقنية جديدة و كل معلومة و كل مهارة كانت بالنسبة لي مكسب كبير و اثمرت في التغير نحو الافضل على كل الاصعدة , النفسية و الاجتماعية و العملية و العاطفية .

Samer Yousef


Sales Engineer – Al ratat for trading and investment

البرنامج رائع و مفيد جدا , و احدث نقلة نوعية في حياتي , اصبحت اكثر استقرارا ووعيا لذاتي و مشاعري.

البرنامج ممتع جدا و يزرع فيك قناعات يأن تحدث نقلة نوعية في مشاعرك و تصرفاتك اتجاه مختلف الامور

Dr. Hala Al-Qouqa

Dermatologist  – Cosmetica Clinic

برنامج رائع و استفدت منه كثيرا و المجموعة لطيفة جدا

 قيمتي اتجاه نفسي صارت افضل

لم اعد اقيم نفسي بناء على العوامل الخارجية



Time Convenient



The Impact 

Success Stories

EI In Practice

Program Information

Program Hours

  Total Hours 36

    • Training Workshops
    • One-on-One Coaching
    • Project Work

 Once a Week
 Duration 2 Hours
 After Working Hours


 Program fees can be paid over monthly installments
 Cash discounts are applied
 Payment Methods

    • Cash
    • Bank Transfer
    • Bank Deposit
    • Visa/Master Card
    • Online Payment

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